Models in Paris are under particular competitive pressure. There are daily castings for commercials, photo shoots and fashion magazines. If you have the right contacts, you get the best addresses. But that’s a long way off.
There are several success factors for conquering the Paris catwalks that every prospective model should bring with them. One of the basic requirements is height. A minimum height of 1.75 m has been counted as one of the tickets for a professional model career for years (as a rule, there are always exceptions, but more rarely). Because even if the exceptions like Kate Moss always make headlines, these models are still the exception of the rule for a professional model agency. As a second criterion, age is also a decisive factor. Most newcomers start modeling at the age of 16 to 20. Some models are also discovered earlier. Whereby it concerns then mostly occasional Nebenjobs, which always presupposes the agreement of the parents up to the majority age. Other features also play an important role in modeling. In the first place a pure skin with invisible pores as well as groomed hair, which make a multiplicity of different Looks possible, count to it.
If you have exactly these basic requirements and have been thinking about working as a model for a long time, you can take the first step into a modeling career by applying to a Paris model agency. For this you need a formal letter as well as pictures created by a professional photographer. Anyone who has already worked as a model usually has a model folder that should be included in every job interview. Serious agencies don’t charge their models money for the exception in their card index or for the creation of a sedcard. The expenses count as an investment, as the agencies also earn money with the later bookings of their models. Another basic requirement for working as a model is to be disciplined. This applies to every kind of booking as well as to the castings completed beforehand.